Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Remember, from my previous posting when I discuss the difference between a theory and a hypothesis? Here is a hypothesis mentioned in the Psychiatric News. When homophobic men are viewing homosexual stimuli it can causes feelings of anxiety. Anxiety is known to enhance penis arousal and erection. Thus (A +B = C), an increased arousal in the homophobic man is a response to a perceived threat rather than to stimuli they find sexually arousing. (BIN, 28th) Hmmmm....

Leave it to those Canadians' once again. This is from the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. It is too good to paraphrase so here it is a direct quote:

"The desire to discriminate against gays and lesbians, and thus to reserve special privileges to heterosexuals, appears to have many causes. Some are:

  • Inability or unwillingness to change the information received during childhood.
  • Fear of people who are different.
  • Promotion of homophobia by a religious group.
  • A heterosexual's natural feeling of repulsion at the thought of engaging in same-sex activity. Realizing that homosexual behavior is unnatural for them, some people generalize this feeling into the belief that homosexuality is wrong for everyone.
  • Actual homosexual feelings that a person cannot acknowledge or handle.
  • Low self esteem leading to a need to hate other group(s)." (BIN, 28th)

Well, it looks like not all homophobic individuals are 'in the closet' gay people. Should we be tolerant of homophobic people? We ask them to be tolerant of us. I say, yes, as long as they are not being discriminatory or inappropriate, then why not.

Island Dyke


BIN 28th WWW PROCON Retrieved on August 28, 2007 from

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Gay Germ Theory

Several nights ago I was surfing the net and stumbled across "the gay germ theory". I had never heard of it. Yes, there have been movies perhaps implying such a theory, such as "It's in the Water"(1997), a movie where a rumor starts that the town's water is contaminated and it 'turns' people gay.

Wikipedia (WIKI, 24th) is quick to set the record straight, no pun intended ;0), that it can only be a hypothesis, as 'theories' represent well-tested scientific scrutiny. Wikipedia therefore describes it as a pathogenic hypothesis of homosexuality. This hypothesis argues against a genetic component for homosexuality in that evolution would strongly select against it and that there is not a strong twin concordance for homosexuality.

The two gentlemen responsible for this hypothesis are Paul W. Ewald, a biology professor at Amherst College in Massachusetts, and Gregory Cochran, an independent physicist in Albuquerque, New Mexico. According to Wikipedia (WIKI, 24th), Cochran compares this hypothesis to the theories of the cause of narcolepsy, which is that it is an auto-immune disease triggered by a virus.

Wikipedia (WIKI, 24th) reports on the social controversy to Cochran and Ewald:
"William Byne who is a brain researcher at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, suggest that 'Cochran and Ewald are guilty of pathologizing homosexuality' (in the words of Crain, 1999). In contrast, Michael Bailey, professor of psychology at Northwestern University, asks, 'Suppose we found that a form of genius was also cause by a virus. Would that mean that genius is a disease?' (Crain, 1999)"

I have always thought and felt that individuals are born with their sexuality. I have never given it much thought though as to if it is via a genetic component or some other component. After reading up on this topic though I would seriously consider that there is not a genetic component involved in individuals being gay or not. I would seriously not agree though with the 'gay germ theory' either. Could it be that it is a character trait, similar to being introverted or extraverted? I have heard people refer to sexuality as being a spectrum. More at a later date on this 'spectrum' idea.

Island Dyke


WIKI 24th WWW PATHOGENIC Retrieved on August 24, 2007 from,

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hillary Clinton's View on Gay Marriage

I was somewhat disappointed after watching this video. I was hoping for greater change in the past seven years since I have been gone from the Mainland. I suppose for any Presidential candidate, still today, it would be political suicide to say they think all gay people should be allowed to get married in any State they choose.

First, let me say that I am a firm believer in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and that there should be a 'separation of church and state'. Since a large population of society views the word 'marriage' as being something that is sacred and religious, it should stay that way then. In my opinion, "marriage licenses" or "marriage certificates" should be only issued out by churches, not by the States officials. There should be a "civil union" issued out by the States officials' and that would include gay or straight unions. This would then leave the various churches to decide if they wish to issue out "marriage licenses" to gay couples or not.

Second, if it is left up to each State to decide on this issue, some states would not even allow gay people to have a "civil union". Some of these states, if it was left up to them, would allow slavery still, nay. Federal laws are set up and designed to ensure equality for all people regardless of the state they wish to reside in. Civil rights is just and equality for all. Gay people deserve the same rights and benefits afforded to straight couples that receive marriage licenses today.

Island Dyke

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No smoking!

Well, life has been very busy for me the past week or more and so here I was checking my e-mails and a friend sent me this sign. Thinking I just want to share some light-hearted humor and not get all deep and thinking, however, as I sit and type this I'm going there anyway. Remembering how I was on a bowling league here in Saipan, back a few years, and really enjoyed playing. However, I had to quit as the smoke was too much to handle. Now all I can think of is what if there was sex going on in the lanes instead? Would I have still stayed on the league? Oh, I'm not thinking too deep, I was fantasizing, sorry.

Island Dyke

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Medical Evidence: Circumcised men at less risk for HIV infection

According to Szabo & Short (2000) over 40 studies have shown that the circumcised male has less risk of HIV infection. The epidemiological evidence is conclusive and the answer lies in the foreskin. On the inner surface of the foreskin are Langerhans' cells that have HIV receptors which are the primary point where the virus enters into the penis of uncircumcised men. Additionally, research of HIV receptor blockers is being studied to develop some type of application that could be applied before sex.

The BBC News reports that HIV infection can be reduced by 50% in circumcised heterosexual men according to study trials done in Africa. The World Health Organization fears circumcisions may increase risky behaviors and recommends the continued use of other preventions, especially the correct usage of condoms.

Thanks to 'The Reveler' on http://www.saipanmiddleroad.blogspot.com/ for the blog titled "Study: Good to be cut". It was because of one of the comments made that I decided this to be important information to share with the GLBT community and friends.

Island Dyke


Szabo, R. & Short, R. (2000) How does male circumcision protect against HIV infection? British Medical Journal, June 10, 2000. Retrieved on August 08, 2007, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0999/is_7249_320/ai_63089402

PLAYER 8th WWW NOL BBC News Video Clip. Retrieved on August 8, 2007, from

Friday, August 3, 2007

Gay Teens in Guam at Greater Risk of Suicide Attempts

Here is the research data that confirms what I was feeling and thinking in 2004 when I drove up to Capital Hill, here in Saipan, to testify against the proposed anti-gay marriage law. When I heard about the proposed law I had an intense internal struggle to go and speak against it. For me that was a very difficult day in that I am a shy, introverted individual, and fear speaking in front of others. I would not have gone to speak out on my own behalf. However, what persuaded me to pull enough courage to go and speak was the thought of all the GLBT youth that struggle for acceptance here in Saipan. Additionally, I had the intense feeling that some youth have, and in my opinion still continue to struggle with acceptance and may have attempted suicide, or in the least contemplated suicide.

Pinhey & Millman (2004) studied the effects of gay and lesbian suicide risks for Guam's Asian/Pacific Islander teens. There have been previous suicide studies done, however none of them had studied the effects of sexual-orientation. The results of the study found that there was a greater risk of suicide attempt, more so for the boys, in the gay/lesbian teens in Guam.

Pinhey & Millman's (2004) research also indicated that:

"female adolescents with same-sex orientation are at greater risk for suicidality
compared with their heterosexual peers, it appears that corresponding supportive
communities might not exist in Guam or that the effects of such support may not
be sufficient to counterbalance the potential detrimental effects of same-sex
orientation. Indeed, our findings strongly suggest that both male and female
Asian/Pacific Islander adolescents in Guam deserve intervention and counseling
programs to reduce suicidal risks. Recent research shows that gay-sensitive HIV
programs in schools decrease sexual risk for gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents.
Similarly, gay-sensitive interventions targeting relationship physical abuse, binge
drinking, and feelings of hopelessness might help reduce risks of suicide."

Although this research data is evidence to me that GLB teens are at a greater risk for suicide in Guam, the 'T' in 'GLBT' is missing in this research paper. I wonder why Pinhey & Millman excluded the transgender teens.

Island Dyke


Pinhey, T. & Millman, S. (2004) Asian/Pacific Islander Adolescent Sexual Orientation and Suicide Risk in Guam. American Journal of Public Health. 2004, July, 94(7): pp1204-1206. Retrieved on August 3, 1007, from http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1448422