Leave it to those Canadians' once again. This is from the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. It is too good to paraphrase so here it is a direct quote:
"The desire to discriminate against gays and lesbians, and thus to reserve special privileges to heterosexuals, appears to have many causes. Some are:
- Inability or unwillingness to change the information received during childhood.
- Fear of people who are different.
- Promotion of homophobia by a religious group.
- A heterosexual's natural feeling of repulsion at the thought of engaging in same-sex activity. Realizing that homosexual behavior is unnatural for them, some people generalize this feeling into the belief that homosexuality is wrong for everyone.
- Actual homosexual feelings that a person cannot acknowledge or handle.
- Low self esteem leading to a need to hate other group(s)." (BIN, 28th)
Well, it looks like not all homophobic individuals are 'in the closet' gay people. Should we be tolerant of homophobic people? We ask them to be tolerant of us. I say, yes, as long as they are not being discriminatory or inappropriate, then why not.
Island Dyke
Reference:BIN 28th WWW PROCON Retrieved on August 28, 2007 from