Monday, January 28, 2008

WARNING: Boys on Saipan

Sorry to all my frequent viewers for being so delinquent in posting. My excuses are numerous and boring so I won't mention them, except for that one fantasy vacation on the set of the L-Word.

I have heard recently from a friend of a situation that is taking place in Saipan that is of utter most disgust. There is a young man of possible Pacific Islander descent that is stalking gay men on Saipan. This young man, after consentual sexual relations, has then told that he is under age and then demands a financial pay-off to keep his mouth shut. I have been told that this has happened to two gay men so far and that this young man is a stocker. He has gone to the extent of following his victims down and acting out aggressively in his demands.

Warning to all, check ID's before nooky nooky, and always wear your protection! And if you are having relations with a stranger, please make sure your friends know where you are going. Have fun and be safe.

Island Dyke


Island Dyke said...

Sorry I just caught my mis-spelling of stalker....the guy is not stocking he is stalking

Anonymous said...


well regarding this, the gay guy was also held hostage for almost 10 hours driving around the island, making the gay guy buy drinks for the alleged teenager.

poor friend....

Brad Ruszala said...

"I have been told that this has happened to two gay men so far and that this young man is a stocker"

no! for pete's sake, hide your empty shelves!


just having a little fun.

Island Dyke said...

hey brad, u see I went and corrected my mis-spelling in one location...just not the other .LOL
ur cute and funny too!