Friday, September 28, 2007

Coming Out Day

October 11 is National Coming Out Day with the aim to raise awareness of the GLBT community among the general populace number one and number two an additional aim is to give a familiar face to the GLBT rights movement.

This year is also the twentieth anniversary of the 1987 Gay and Lesbian March on Washington when the AIDS Quilt was unfurled on the National Mall.

You can make your own You Tube coming out video to celebrate this special event. This link will take you to the HRC site with instructions to making your video:

I encourage community members to wear some identifying symbol to celebrate this day.
Island Dyke


On Saipan said...

belated happy coming out day! here on saipan there's a lot of closeted people that need to emancipate themselves. Come out, come out wherever you are.

seriously, it's a choice. respect that then...

Bruce A. Bateman said...

I came out to the Multipurpose center on the 11th and debated the 'anti's' as a proponent of the Saipan Casino Act. Had a blast. Didn't see the Rev there. Guess he stayed IN. (:-))